Bans for

Banned As Banned By Reason Time Banned
llamafish1982 Manowarra Foul language and insulting staff. Appeals @ 10 years, 12 months ago
Fergal1096 sourcemaker Compromised account (alex3dmz) 10 years, 12 months ago
alex3DMZ sourcemaker Extreme rassism and homophobic insulting, xray, griefing, maybe used hacked client 10 years, 12 months ago
jandlp1 sourcemaker Griefing/Stealing (Force Mitts + ...) on FTB - appeal at 10 years, 12 months ago
Jonu_ Vertical_2_9 Massive Griefing (Appeal at 11 years ago
DarkCreep3r sourcemaker Extreme Griefing in Freebuild - warning! - No appeal possible 11 years ago
fschulte0301 Manowarra Theft, LB proof. Appeals @ 11 years ago
blackninja0802 Manowarra Theft, LB proof. Appeals @ 11 years ago
FeelingLP sourcemaker Too many bans (lied at application) 11 years ago
Dallbencaer Manowarra abuse of spawners. Appeal @ 11 years ago
Pe_Max sourcemaker Griefing on FTB - appeals at 11 years ago
Loehtmann Manowarra Abuse of Mining turtle (Rule #5). Appeals @ 11 years ago
Castelbuilder123 Console Griefing/Unallowed pvp, Childish behaviour 11 years ago
_Ra1L3r_ Console Childish behaviour 11 years ago
PureGamr Console Offensive language, Childish behaviour 11 years ago
MR_HALTDEINMAUL sourcemaker Unsuitable name - No appeal 11 years ago
gennatang5 Console Heavy insultings, homophobic, rassism 11 years ago
Pedostyler05 Console pedophile account - do NOT appeal, no chance here 11 years ago
yenon sourcemaker Tried to blackmail owner to cause server lags or installing compromised LUA code 11 years ago
RedDevilsPG sourcemaker Griefing/Stealing - appeal at 11 years ago