Bans for

Banned As Banned By Reason Time Banned
Ridoy91 Zepherea dupping, appeal on website 9 years ago
mksmy Goshen_Ithilien Griefing with turtles, forcing home chunks to load when offline,causing lag, overbuilding 9 years ago
gabrielgamer141 Zepherea Griefing, appeal on website 9 years ago
xJAMMAx Supercraftmo do not discriminate, harassing staff and players 9 years ago
connormorph Wabefuhon Griefing Dfbhdlukescorp's Smeltry. You may submit an appeal on our website. 9 years ago
xxGatorbitexx Tejas_miner stole quarry. He said he thought it random spawned in world. :) Said he was sorry 9 years ago
Danem97 Ice4322 Griefing. Prism Proof. (No Appeal) 9 years ago
adam0088 wasliebob Griefing, prism proof, no appeal 9 years ago
minecraftor12 wasliebob Griefing from multiple people, lying to admin, NO appeal 9 years ago
Yanir1706 wasliebob Griefing, prism proof, no appeal 9 years ago
Natalievolleys02 wasliebob Temp unban to transfer stuff, official unban still pending 9 years ago
DuchRyan Supercraftmo griefing, must appeal on website 9 years ago
LcD_LP ccm1092 Griefing. no appeal 9 years ago
DevidDema Supercraftmo Spamming chat 9 years ago
evilgator wasliebob Griefing, i saw it happen, no appeal 9 years ago
lotusnotes wasliebob Griefing, i saw it happen, no appeal 9 years ago
Troy_1998_ Console Your reputation preceeds you 9 years ago
crafterskywalker Goshen chat spam, not following directions, or listening to answers to questions 9 years, 1 month ago
nickinik wasliebob Griefing, prism proof, your friend even told it to us, he's also banned, no appeal 9 years, 1 month ago
Kenjitoo wasliebob Griefing, you said yourself, also hard prism proof, no appeal 9 years, 1 month ago